Welcome to Community Resources for Independent Seniors (CRIS)
Identifying and coordinating supportive services for adults age 55 and older in the towns of Cazenovia, Nelson and Fenner
Identifying and coordinating supportive services for adults age 55 and older in the towns of Cazenovia, Nelson and Fenner
CRIS Calendar of Events 2024
Madison County CLA Networking
CRIS board meeting
Madison County CLA Networking
7th- LTC Advisory Council
Literacy Outreach partnership with the Cazenovia Library
Valentine’s Day outreach to homebound seniors
12- Madison County CLA Networking
CRIS outreach to homebound seniors
CRIS outreach to nursing home residents with girl scout cookies
10-CRIS board meeting
24- Morrisville Adult Day Care memory conference
30- Cazenovia Library Outreach meeting
1- LTC Advisory Council Meeting- OFA
4- Living Well in Retirement 10 am– Benefits of Tea @ Loka Leaf Tea House
7th- OFA Advisory Council
8th- Literacy Outreach
14- Madison County CLA Networking
22- Living Well in Retirement – Mind and Movement
Meg Tobin- Psychotherapist
Kelsey- Riverbend Grief Movement
10- Living Well in Retirement -Microgreens/ Sprouts Todd Marsh Microgreens at St. Peter’s Parish Hall 10am
12- CRIS Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at St. Peter’s Parish Hall / CRIS board meeting before- invited- any potentially new volunteers or board members.
11- Madison County CLA Networking
9-Madison County CLA Networking
Last weekend- Carriage Book Barn Sale/ CRIS book donations
13-Madison County CLA Networking
6th-Office for the Aging Advisory Council Meeting
Restock senior apartment libraries
10-Madison County CLA Networking
11- CRIS board meeting
16th- Velocity screenings and Hearing Life- all day event
Restock senior apartment libraries
8-Madison County CLA Networking
14- Madison County Office for the Aging Senior Fair- collect materials for homebound seniors
Library Halloween costume partnership
4- Madison County Senior Fair in a bag stuffing/ Luncheon /Madison County CLA Networking
5- Office for the Aging Advisory Council
6- LTC Advisory Council Meeting
CRIS outreach to homebound seniors
10-Madison County CLA Networking
11- CRIS board meeting
CRIS outreach to homebound and nursing home residents
Library Holiday card partnership
Corporate: $5,000
Gold $1,000 +
Silver $500
Bronze $250
Friend: $100 or less
Our services and educational outreach may be free for our seniors but we have many costs that help us provides these events or opportunities.
CRIS is a non profit but we have staff, monthly charges such as rent, technology support, supplies, insurance coverage for our volunteers, advertising....
We rely on sponsor to help us to continue to provide a wide variety of services.
Email director@cris-caz.com to receive a break down of what each sponsorship level covers.
1. Educational Programs
2. Medical Transportation mileage reimbursement
CRIS CAT medical transportation is a volunteer run program but we are paying our drivers mileage reimbursement to help offset their costs of driving. Having medical care is imperative to helping the senior remain at home and in the community.
3. Volunteer appreciation luncheon
CRIS shows our appreciation for our medical transportation drivers and our lend a hand volunteers with a thank you lunch. Many of the tasks that performed help not only community members but also community organizations.
4. Senior Fair in a Bag
CRIS has been providing bags with the Madison County Senior Fair information for 3 years now. We collect all the information, pamphlets, business cards… that would be at an in person fair and put it into bags with other goodies like homemade cards, lotions, candy… These bags are delivered all over Madison County to seniors who are homebound and cannot get to the physical senior fair. The sponsor for this event will be able to provide bags with their logo.
5. Outreach to homebound seniors
Thank you for your time and contributions,
Community Resources For Independent Seniors
Payment: PO BOX 99
Cazenovia, NY 13035
Online: www.cris-caz.com
Want the latest information? Check out our current and past newsletters. Sign up to recieve it each month.
In September 2009, the Greater Cazenovia Area Chamber of Commerce (GCACC) conducted a feasibility study to examine the need for senior housing in the local area. After numerous focus groups and surveys, the study concluded that not only was there a need for senior housing, but there was also an increasing want for senior services in the community. The concept of connecting residents and promoting an improved quality of life for seniors was envisioned and Community Resources for Independent Seniors (CRIS) was formed as not for profit.
The CRIS mission is to develop and coordinate supportive services for individuals 55 and older living in the Cazenovia, Nelson and Fenner areas. The goal of these services is to help seniors stay active and engaged in our community and assist with aging in place.
CRIS is considered to be the center point for accessing information about events, services and vendors of interest to seniors and their families in the community.
Additionally, CRIS also identifies, advocates for, attracts and implements other services identified as wanted and needed in the local area.
Currently CRIS provides direct services to individuals via the CRIS-CAT (Cazenovia Area Transportation) program, various community educational presentations, and the volunteer program.
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
Bob Ridler, Peter Barth, Susan Green , Chris Wnorowski , Julie Harney, Sue Ryder, Billy Newton
CRIS has a lot of volunteers that help keep neighbors at home.
We also have two staff members that keep the wheels turning.
Karisha Solomon - Executive Director
Allisyn Roszel- Volunteer Coordinator
P.O. BOX 99 Cazenovia, NY 13035
We are dedicated to keeping seniors in their homes and community. We need your help so CRIS has the funds independent of government or private grants to maintain continuous operation. CRIS is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization that falls under IRS category 501(c)(3). Any amount of a donation to the CRIS may qualify as a charitable gift for income tax purposes.
Hours vary each week. Please email or leave a message for an appointment.
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